Sunday, June 20, 2010

Day 1

Parents dropped me off today and it was like freshman orientation all over again. I met 32 new people via the name game and went over the rules. Everyone is so different - different majors different points in life etc. But so far everyone gets along. We also painted the trailer white I think we paint it for the trip tomorrow. Lights out are at 11 and we wake up at 7.

Picture might be dark but we are painting the trailer. The bugs were horrible but I've been on a streak lately where they don't eat me as much as they do other people and luckily that continues tonight.

I'm ready to start biking - but I guess I can wait another day or two to really get started.

-- Diane

Location:Portsmouth, NH


  1. Painting 101 -CMU didn't cover that?!? Draw a Bluecrab here and a Dungeness when you get to Vancouver!
