Thursday, July 8, 2010

I shouldn't start fights.

Slept in today because it was a build day. Got up at 7:30 to the sound of my thermarest being deflated. It was kyles new technique to wake me up.

We were going to paint all day. When we got to the site, the fence looked like this:

And further down it was missing pieces of wood. When we finished, it looked like this:

Kelsey called it smokers tooth white. We also painted the building, and I was up on the ladder for most of it.

As we were cleaning up the battle began. Steven and I grabbed one tub of water and poured it all over Travis. Sam was going to empty the second jug so Travis and I went overto pour the third jug of water on him. This was sucessful but we acted too soon and sam had ammo to get us back. So of course I got soaked. My plan backfired but it was still fun. Travis also got skunked with a strip of white paint going down his dark hair.

We came back, showered and had affordable housing presentations. One was on homelessness which inspired a huge convo about it. I didn't have much to say because I don't know that much about it, but it was interesting to listen to 31 other peoples views.

Stats of the Yesterday:

Total Mileage: 76.42

Avg Speed: 14.86

Max Speed: 31.96

-- Diane

Location:Ashtabula, OH

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