Tuesday, July 20, 2010

One Month Anniversary

Today is the one month anniversary of our bike and build trip. To celebrate, Kyle and I rode past a goodwill and decided to stop in and dress up. He was William Wallace V and I was Summer Brownfoot. He was wearing John Lennon glasses a vest and a plaid skirt we cut to knee length. I was wearing a flowery shirt with trumpet sleeves, and a purple and white cheerleadibg skirt. We didn't tell anyone we were doing this, just showed up at second lunch. Everyone loved it! Kyle and I also spent most of our time changing the lyrics of sonny and chers duet I got you to apply to bike and build. It will most likey be revealed at the talent show.

Jumping back a minute, first lunch was on a dairy farm - lots of flies but I liked hanging with the cows.

This was our second century. It was rolling hills so harder than Chicago. We pulled into the school, and they have a track so I did a couple pick ups to keep the turnover up :) haha. There are all these stuffed animals in the school which is a bit weird, but Nolan took a deer head down and snuck up on Leisl with the rest of us watching. Hilaious!

Sam and Kyle and I then spent some time making a scavenger hunt for the group. Also town meeting:

High - chalk day
Low - moldy mail

Also best prank ever...this is nolans bike

Stats of the Day

Total Mileage: 106.41

Avg Speed: 14.88

Max Speed: 36.88

-- Diane

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