Friday, July 30, 2010

Pulling Angela

Sweep challenge of the day was to change the lyrics to build
Me up buttercup, so Angela (AP) and I wrote this in the first 8 miles...

Why don't you lube me up
D'Z nuts baby
Just to let me down
And rub me around
And the worst of all
You always chafe baby
When you say you won't
But I love you still
I need you
More than Vaseline baby
You know that I have from porstmouth
So lube me up
D'Z nuts don't chafe my butt.

Saddles galore, it don't matter no more
I still chafe
You gave me saddle sores
Assos is new
And it looks a little blue
But what's great?
It makes my booty shake

Hey hey hey baby baby I try to find
A better butt'r
That keeps me feelin fine

On my bike
I'll be aisde hwy 2
Waiting for you

Oooooo ooooooo

Then we rode together the rest of the day talking. We rolled along at a good clip all day, but after second lunch, I was ready to get in, so I began a 10 mile pull. A pull is where you would normally stay in front of a group blocking wind and cycling hard for 30 seconds to a minute. I pulled Angela for 10 miles, so I got a workout in for sure. It felt great tho. Tired and exhausted, I arrived at the church for nachos and a nap. I naped till dinner and woke up and ate more. Tomorrow is a 115 mile day, so I'll need lots of energy!

Stats of the Day

Total Mileage: 91.42
Avg Speed: 17.49
Max Speed: 24.59

-- Diane

Location:Crookston, MN

1 comment:

  1. want the ultimate secret recipe for glorious energy and sweet satisfaction? peanut and honey.
